Saturday, November 10, 2007

Going Against The Flow..

"It is God's will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the heathen, who do not know God." (1 Thessalonians 4:3-5).

in the past, decades ago, a woman is despised and condemned when she gets pregnant without a husband. it is because during those times, virginity is something that society valued, marriage was something that they required before two people share physical intimacy. a woman's purity was a precious treasure that she and her family takes good care of. a woman who is not married but gets pregnant was a disgrace to the family and some of them left their homes, started a new life in a new place where no one knew them to save themselves from shame.

today, i am quite surprised of how people react when they learn that a woman is a virgin. they laugh at those who never had an experience, and i wonder what is so funny about that. suddenly the world and society changed.. now, virginity is laughed at and premarital sex has become accepted. society accuses the virgins of conservatism, impracticality, idealism and closed-mindedness.

purity is a word that needs to be refreshed and highlighted in a woman's vocabulary.

Sex and marriage go together. Sexual union is intended as an expression of a lifelong commitment, a symbol of the spiritual union that exists only within the unconditional commitment of marriage. Apart from marriage, the lasting commitment is absent and the sex act becomes a false expression, a lie.

Every act of sex outside of marriage cheapens both sex and marriage. Sex is a privilege inseparable from the responsibilities of the sacred marriage covenant. To exercise the privilege apart from the responsibility perverts God's intention for sex.

Sex is designed to be the joining of two persons, of two spirits, not just two bodies. Some say that marriage is just a piece of paper.. just for formalities sake and that it is not really important.. that what matters is that two people understand each other and love each other. For that, i beg to disagree. A man's ultimate public display of affection is when he asks you to be his wife, presents you as his bride to his family, to the government (you become the legal spouse and beneficiary of everything that is his), to the world and to the Lord as both of you promise to love and respect each other making Him the center and the foundation of your marriage. A guy who asks for physical intimacy outside marriage is disrespecting us and is not protecting us. A guy would need to protect us from themselves as well.. He who truly loves will know where he stands and keep his distance -- not go beyond it. He who truly loves will know the woman's worth, he will give her strength --- not take advantage of her weaknesses.

Even if two people truly love each other, still there is no bearing on the ethics of sexual intimacy—sex does not become permissible through subjective feelings, but through the objective lifelong commitment of marriage. We honor God with our everything including our bodies.

to women who are inexperienced: do not feel bad when people laugh at you.. do not take their challenges as well.. they can dare you to be like them, when they do that, dare them to be like you. do not be scared to be different --- you are beautifully different..

"You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor

God with your body" (I Corinthians 6:20).

It is a dead fish that goes with the flow, only a living fish can go against it. life is beautiful, you are beautiful, live the life! =)